Gratitude and Humility; and Insight Timer.

The post today celebrates my gratitude and humility at being happy with the skin I am in, and for what I have in the current environment. I think we all should be, whilst reaching out to the needy. And who knows about Insight Timer?

Why grateful and humble? Because of where I am. Last year saw the impact of Brexit, now we see Covid, Brexit, the US election, and the ongoing aftermath of 7 months of Covid. This has left people, civilisations in tatters, with a sense of lethargy, lack of meaning, and isolation.

I myself am so lucky to have Claire and Ted, family, a business (despite it being in the doldrums), friends, and the great outdoors including my blessed fell running. It keeps me occupied and my active mind under control. And suffering from OCD I have an active mind.

I am therefore grateful. I am therefore Humble. I respect what I have when others are suffering mentally and physically, whilst my home business of advertising finds itself in a vortex of uncertainty. What will happen as the furlough money ceases at the end of this month? This is one example of not being in control of events and that can be disturbing where you have seen years of routine, certainty, and happiness. It can be a horrid, horrid state of affairs.

Some things I learned that might help

  • Each morning I try not to pick up the phone immediately whilst getting the first brew. This I have discovered drags me into the real and leaves no time for me. You can end up being distracted and you lose control of your present moment.

  • Me time is important in the morning. By this I mean set some time aside before you launch into work and life, which I appreciate is not easy if you have children for example.

  • I make my brew and then settle to read something that is inspiring or though provoking. I allow myself to focus on me, my mental state, and physical state. This takes me out of the world and allows me to think about living in the moment, what was yesterday, and what may come to pass. But I am in control.

  • I use INSIGHT TIMER which some will be familiar with. Suffice to say that it is a resource for all sorts of meditation, talks, yoga, calming music and the like. It is a free resource and you can also upgrade if you wish. I make sure I listen (ideally in the morning before picking the phone up) to a meditation. This sets me up for the day.

  • The reading and meditation, or just do a meditation, even when driving or travelling to work, puts you in the present, in the context, makes you not feel alone, and understand we don’t really have worries, and can live in the moment. The problem is we pick up the dratted phone and are immediately thrown into the world and its issues - we then lose ourselves, our essence. We lose control of our wellbeing on awakening.

  • The mobile phone. Try, try, try not to pick it up first thing on awakening. The dog wags the tail, the tail does not wag the dog. Don’t let it take you away from you.

  • The morning can allow you to think about what makes you happy, the positives, and all that is negative dissipates and falls into place. You have control of your day, of you.

  • Give Insight Timer a go, it is so worth it, and your mobile phone in this case is actually good for this!


    Presently it is understandable to look after number one. The world does seem to be going to hell on a crazed out of control horse at a rapid pace. We become isolated and insular as we cope, especially as a lot of us are working from home.

    But now is the time to give, to help, to get to know people. Why? Because in giving and helping we ourselves become stronger and happier, and we grow. We also help our fellow human being and this gives a sense of belonging alleviating loneliness. In connecting we are not left in our own mind, our worries. We get a bounce in our stride and a sense of achievement. It could simply be you smile at a stranger during the commute, or say thank you.