As one of the founders and organisers of SAScon in Manchester I suppose I had better promote the conference. Ahem. Very simply SAScon was devised to offer the north a conference that focuses on search, analytics, and social media with other stuff wrapped around that. With clients, media owners, and agencies all attending. The crucial thing being that we have such a conference up north enabling us to educate a strong digital presence in cities as varied as Liverpool, Manchester, Leeds, Newcastle, Glasgow and Edinburgh.

These cities have always been a powerhouse of digital talent and needed support via a conference like SAScon where the organisers can attract London based talent.

It also us in the north to showcase the north for all it deserves in terms of digital talent. Interestingly enough when I spoke to Russell Illsley over the event he was enthused and being who he is was keen to muck in and help out. With Russell Illsley I am trying hard to get him to speak, fingers crossed.

I really hope you can make it!
